I hate all the bullshit when everyone says, we want to lose weight because it's healthy. That is what all websites would want you to believe, even websites advocating crash diets and crazy workouts. Everyone knows that the only reason most people (and by that I mean people who are not obese) want to lose weight is to look better.
When we were growing up, we were never really fat. In fact, I was super skinny. That's probably because we were always running around, and our moms ensured we were eating healthy. Then the weight slowly sneaks up on you, until one day you realize your jeans size has gone up, you always seem to be holding your tummy in, and half the things in your closet are not very flattering any more. Then you start the scramble for weight loss routine. Well, here's my take on it. How do I know, you ask? Because I've been there, and I've done it.
Forget all the workouts, and start a diet NOW!
No matter what anyone says, diet is the most important factor when it comes to weight loss. Exercise can help you only a very little bit. It's great for maintaining your weight, but it's not so great for losing weight. A probable cause is that once people start working out, they use that as an excuse to eat whatever they want. The sad truth is, that you need to eat less calories than you burn, in order to lose weight. So ditch the burger, and fries and start eating healthy. And not just eating healthy, but eating smaller portions of healthy food.
Here's what to avoid, or limit to a very few times a week-
- Cold drinks
- Sugar (in any form, even with tea or coffee)
- Refined flour goods (like pasta, white bread, etc)
- Processed goods (like biscuits, chips)
- Fatty foods (Oily, fried food, butter, etc)
- Snack on fruits, roasted peas, vegetables, etc.
- Don't eat because your watch says it's time to eat, but because you are hungry
- Don't eat 3-4 hours before going to bed
- Have a glass of water or green tea/coffee if you are feeling hungry. If you're still hungry later, then eat. (This is a very good technique to eat less)
- If you're trying to lose weight fast, skip some meals (preferably dinner or breakfast).
Do some mild exercise everyday
Yes, I know I said that diet was the most important factor, but exercise while dieting will definitely help too. You don't need to work out in a gym for hours everyday. There are small things you can do at home, or small changes you can make in your life.
- Take the stairs
- Walk to the market/ bus stand, etc
- Walk faster than you would normally
- In my book, the best is Swimming. It's good cardio, and it strengthens your muscles. A month of swimming 6 days a week, and you will definitely notice the difference- provided you are eating right.
- Skipping, or using a jump rope is another great exercise. It's better because you can do it at home, and probably for 5-10 minutes a day is enough to see some difference.
- Burpees- This is my personal favourite. There is no exercise that will kick your butt so much. But do 20 minutes of burpees for a week (with breaks in between- of course), and the difference will be substantial.
- Running - This is the best exercise for getting in shape, but it often requires more time, and many times we are just not comfortable running outside.
A great tip is to work out first thing in the morning. Your stomach is empty, so whatever you burn comes from your bodies stored reserves of energy, aka fat.
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